Maret 14, 2025


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Gambar baru dari Teleskop Webb, pratinjau misi bulan Artemis I

Gambar baru dari Teleskop Webb, pratinjau misi bulan Artemis I

Gambar baru dari Teleskop Webb

Pratinjau misi Artemis I ke bulan…

sebuah Gambar baru dari kami[{” attribute=””>James Webb Space Telescope …

And an anniversary for one of our explorers on Mars … a few of the stories to tell you about – This Week at NASA!

NASA memamerkan Misi Bulan Artemis I

Kami meninjau misi Artemis I tanpa awak ke Bulan selama dua pengarahan. Pada 3 Agustus, pejabat badan di Markas Besar NASA dan di pusat NASA lainnya mempresentasikan “Ikhtisar Gambaran Besar” dari tugas.

“Artemis I menunjukkan bahwa kita dapat melakukan hal-hal besar. Hal-hal yang menyatukan orang, hal-hal yang bermanfaat bagi umat manusia. Hal-hal seperti Apollo menginspirasi dunia.” – Bill Nelson, Administrator NASA

Dia menindaklanjutinya dua hari kemudian dengan sebuah file Selami lebih dalam garis waktu dan operasi misi Dari Pusat Luar Angkasa Johnson. Badan tersebut saat ini menargetkan, paling lambat Senin, 29 Agustus, peluncuran roket Space Launch System untuk mengirim pesawat ruang angkasa Orion mengelilingi bulan dan kembali ke Bumi. Artemis I akan berlangsung selama sekitar enam minggu untuk memeriksa sistem sebelum astronot menerbangkan pesawat ruang angkasa di Artemis II.

Galaksi Cartwheel (gambar komposit NIRCam dan MIRI)

Gambar Roda Gerobak dan galaksi-galaksi yang menyertainya ini dikomposisikan dari kamera web inframerah-dekat (NIRCam) dan Instrumen Inframerah Menengah (MIRI), yang mengungkapkan detail yang sulit dilihat hanya dalam gambar individual.
Galaksi ini terbentuk sebagai akibat dari tabrakan berkecepatan tinggi yang terjadi sekitar 400 juta tahun yang lalu. Roda terdiri dari dua cincin, cincin bagian dalam mengkilap dan cincin luar berwarna. Kedua cincin memanjang keluar dari pusat tumbukan seperti gelombang kejut. Kredit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, Tim Produksi Webb ERO

Webb mengambil gambar baru dari Galaksi Gerobak

Teleskop Luar Angkasa James Webb NASA Hasilkan gambar detail baru dari Galaksi Gerobak dan dua galaksi kecil ini. Galaksi Gerobak, yang terletak sekitar 500 juta tahun cahaya dari kita, adalah jenis galaksi langka yang oleh para astronom disebut “galaksi cincin”. Galaksi jungkir balik diyakini sebagai galaksi spiral biasa seperti kita[{” attribute=””>Milky Way before a collision with another galaxy affected the Cartwheel Galaxy’s shape and structure.

NASA Curiosity Mars Rover 10 Poster

Stay curious with NASA and celebrate the agency’s Curiosity Mars rover’s 10th anniversary on the Red Planet with a two-sided poster that lists some of the intrepid explorer’s inspiring accomplishments. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

After 10 years on Mars, Curiosity Still Has Drive

NASA’s Curiosity rover is celebrating 10 years on Mars. The rover landed on the Red Planet at 10:32 p.m. PDT on August 5, 2012. Since then, it has driven about 18 miles and climbed more than 2,000 feet while exploring Gale Crater and the foothills of Mount Sharp. Most importantly, Curiosity determined that liquid water and the chemical building blocks needed for life were indeed present in this region of Mars for at least tens of millions of years. The Curiosity team now plans to have the rover spend the next few years exploring a new region, one thought to have formed as water was drying out, leaving behind salty minerals called sulfates.

NASA SpaceX Crew-5 Collage

A collage of NASA’s SpaceX Crew-5 from left to right, top to bottom: NASA astronauts Nicole Mann and Josh Cassada, JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) astronaut Koichi Wakata, and Roscosmos cosmonaut Anna Kikina. Credit: NASA

The Next Commercial Crew Launch to the Space Station

The launch of our SpaceX Crew-5 mission to the International Space Station is currently targeted for no earlier than September 29 from our Kennedy Space Center. NASA astronauts Nicole Mann and Josh Cassada, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency astronaut Koichi Wakata, and Roscosmos cosmonaut Anna Kikina discussed their upcoming mission during an Aug. 4 briefing at our Johnson Space Center.

“We are coming together as a human race. And our mission onboard the International Space Station of developing this technology and research to benefit all of humankind is really what brings us together.” — Nicole Mann, NASA Astronaut

This is NASA’s fifth crew rotation flight to the space station with a U.S. commercial spacecraft.

NASA Nichelle Nichols

Actor Nichelle Nichols, who died July 30, 2022, didn’t just break new ground on “Star Trek” by playing one of the first leading recurring Black female characters on U.S. television. A decade after the show ended, she did the same for NASA, appearing in a promotional film aimed at recruiting women and people of color to apply to be astronauts, as she recounted in a 2012 visit to NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. The next astronaut class, appointed in 1978, included Guy Bluford, the first Black American in space, and Sally Ride, the first American woman in space. Credit: NASA

NASA Pays Tribute to Nichelle Nichols

NASA is remembering actor Nichelle Nichols, who passed away on July 30. She broke new ground on “Star Trek” in her role as Lieutenant Uhura, one of the first leading recurring Black female characters on U.S. television. Years later, NASA officials enlisted her help to recruit the first women and minority astronauts for the Space Shuttle Program. In a statement, NASA Administrator Bill Nelson noted that as we prepare to send the first woman and first person of color to the Moon under Artemis, NASA is guided by the legacy of Nichelle Nichols.

That’s what’s up this week @NASA

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